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- Principal's Message
- RE Term 1 - "Jubilee Year - Pilgrims of Hope"
- Collection Notice for Parent/Guardians
- SCC Newsletter
- Term 1 Information Letters
- Engaging with your child's teacher
- Upcoming Events
- School Photos - Friday 21 February
- Sports Days Term 1 2025
- Canteen News - Term 1 Menu
- Part-Time Parish Secretary Position - North Woden
- Birthdays
- TeamKids Newsletter & Upcoming Events
- Library News
- Photos - Start of the Year
- Photos - Meet and Greet
- SchoolSpeak 101 - Free Online Webinar for Parents and Carers
- Guitar Lessons
- Keyboard and Piano Lessons
- Violin Lessons
- Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat Show
- Australian Sports Camps flyer
- Buffaloes Junior Rugyb League Rego Day
- Kelly Sports Flyers
- Tennis Come & Try Day
Dear Parents and Carers,
I'm pleased to share that our return to school has been smooth and filled with joy for both students and staff. We have warmly welcomed 46 excited Kindergarten students, along with 24 new students across Years 1 to 6. We also extend a heartfelt welcome to our new staff members, Cathleen Feerick (Year 1) and Emily Tankey (Year 2), as well as our new Classroom Support Assistants, Olivia Maher, Lucy Gildea, Issy Doszpot, and Samata Mohamed, who have quickly become part of the St Thomas the Apostle community. Next week, we will welcome Caleb Piper to our Learning Support Team.
School Year Opening Mass
Our School Year Opening Mass will be next Thursday 20 February, at 9:30am in the church. We would love for you to join us for this special occasion. Your child is welcome to sit with you during the Mass, and your presence will help make this a truly meaningful community gathering. Our Year 6 SRC and school leaders will be presented with their badges.
Meet and Greet on Tuesday
Thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us for our "Meet and Greet" afternoon on Tuesday. It was wonderful to see so many families connecting with teachers and each other in a relaxed and welcoming setting. We appreciate your time and the feedback that having the event after school, rather than in the evening, worked well for many. The afternoon tea was also a great success, providing a lovely opportunity for conversation and community building. Your involvement and support help make our school a great place for our students to learn and grow.
School Choir
I am delighted to announce the return of our school choir, and this year, it’s set to be better than ever! We are incredibly fortunate to have Sonia Anfiloff, Head of Choirs at Canberra Girls Grammar School, leading a brand-new choir for our Year 3 to 6 students. Sonia brings a wealth of experience as both a choir director and a professional singer, having spent 10 years performing in Vienna. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to develop their vocal skills and be part of something truly special!
Sonia says: "Music is a great way to start a school week, opening and creating neural pathways. Choirs teach teamwork, listening skills, and self-confidence; they can slow the heart rate and calm breathing, help with reading and language, and create a sense of community and belonging. Singing, in particular, can help with speech difficulties, anxiety, depression, and a wide variety of mental and physical health issues.
This new choir will focus on learning fun music, making stacks of weird sounds, and bringing more music into the students' weekly routine.
The choir will rehearse on Monday mornings before school, from 8:10 am to 8:45 am. To participate, students must be registered, and there is a small fee of $50 per term per singer to cover resources. We will begin in Week 5, on Monday, March 3rd, with a special Term 1 fee of just $30 for the six-week program—an incredible value for this high-quality opportunity! Parents are also welcome to stay and enjoy the lessons.
If you would like your child to be part of the STTAP School Choir, please fill in the attached form.
There will also be a lunchtime choir club for Kindergarten to Year 2, so our younger students don’t miss out!
‘Parent Hour of Power’
We warmly invite all parents and carers to our Parent Power Hour on Monday 24 February. This will be an engaging and informative evening designed to give you a deeper understanding of how we teach at St Thomas the Apostle. Our staff will present insights into our approach to teaching reading and maths, including Explicit and Direct Instruction, and how these methods support student learning.
Following this session, we invite you to stay for an open meeting of the School Community Council (SCC). This is a great opportunity to learn how you can be involved in the life of the school, hear about current initiatives, and share your ideas for the future.
We are looking for new members for our SCC Executive. If you are interested in joining the team, an Expression of Interest form can be found here. You can also wait to hear more about the SCC on the night and submit an EOI afterward. Dan McInerney, our SCC Chair, has some words to share about this further along in the newsletter.
To make it easier for families to attend, childcare and dinner will be provided for students, along with refreshments for parents and carers. If you would like to book your child / children in for care please fill in the attached form. We hope to see many of you there for this valuable and informative evening!
RE Term 1 - "Jubilee Year - Pilgrims of Hope"
Welcome to the Jubilee Year, a time of renewal and hope. The theme for this year, chosen by Pope Francis is ‘Pilgrims of Hope.’ He reminds us that “hope doesn’t disappoint” and that “hope dwells in the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and outcome of good things to come.”
This year is set aside as a time to pause from the business of life and emphasise the importance of our connection with God, each other and creation. We have been invited to embark on a journey of faith and transformation. What will you do to strengthen these relationships in the jubilee year?
The Jubilee Prayer from Pope Francis is below. You may like to pray this individually or as a family.
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.
Masses and liturgies this term
Masses and liturgies celebrated at St Thomas will be on the parent calendar. We invite all families to the following masses and liturgies this term. We especially invite the Year 6 parents to the Opening School Mass where the Year 6 students will receive their leadership badges.
- 20 Feb @ 9:30am – Opening School Mass
- 5 March @ 9:30am - Ash Wednesday Mass
- 14 March @ 2:30pm – 5/6BR Community Prayer
- 21 March @ 9:30am – Harmony and Grandparents Day Mass
- 28 March @ 2:30pm – 5/6F Community Prayer
- Week 10 – Holy Week celebrations in the lead up to Easter
Our staff will also be attending mass this Saturday at 6pm. You are welcome to join us as we are commissioned for the 2025 year.
Sacramental information for 2025
The sacraments of Frist Reconciliation (Year 3), First Holy Communion (Year 4) and Confirmation (Year 5 and 6) will be celebrated this year. Information will be sent out in a few weeks about enrolling your child to receive these sacraments.
If you would like to receive the sacrament of Baptism you can either contact Mr Ryan ( or the Parish Office (6231 9219)
Geoff RyanREC
Date |
Event |
Wednesday 19 February |
Kinder Rest Day |
Thursday 20 February |
Opening School Mass 9:30am |
Friday 21 February |
School Photo Day |
Monday 24 February |
Parent Power Hour 6pm |
Wed 26 February |
Kinder Rest Day |
Friday 28 February |
Swimming Carnival (Stromlo Leisure Centre) Yr 2-6 |
Wednesday 5 March |
Ash Wednesday |
Monday 10 March |
Canberra Day (Public Holiday) |
To view the Parent and Carers calendar please follow the link below to our school website. This calendar is very user friendly and clear to view on mobile phones.
School Photos - Friday 21 February
Please return the photos envelopes, including envelopes for sibling photos,
to your class teacher either on or before the photo day.
Students are required to wear their sports uniform.
Sibling photos can be ordered online or sibling envelopes are available at the Front Office.
Kinder - Wednesday and Friday
Yr 1 - Wednesday and Friday
Yr 2 - Wednesday and Friday
Yr 3/4 - Tuesday and Friday
Yr 5/6F & 5/6T - Wednesday and Friday
Yr 5/6BR & 5/6M - Tuesday and Friday
Kind regards
Victoria Town
Canteen Manager
Part-Time Parish Secretary Position - North Woden
PART-TIME PARISH SECRETARY, NORTH WODEN: Part-time position of 19 hours per fortnight. Applications addressing the Selection Criteria with attached resume should be addressed to Parish Priest, Fr James Antony ( ) by Friday 28 February 2025. Please email or phone (02-6281 3999) for duty statement and selection criteria.
Happy Birthday
to the following students and staff
who recently celebrated a birthday
Violet W
Jerome KE
George J
Roland O
Daniel H
Brooks M
Maya McC
Lara U
Arian N
Leo J
Aahana S
Grace O'D
Dibson D
Alicia P
Aria G
Maddie J
Teghbir T
Mila L
Francis J
Stella G
Emmett C
Samuel B
Sydnee G
David KE
Anders S
Baani T
Grace G
Raphael S
Harrison B
Miss Fisk
Mrs Barbic
Miss Vandenbroucke
Ms Tallarida
Mrs Harris
Mrs Jamieson
Ms Duffy
Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat Show
One of our students, Ian, in Year 3/4 will be performing in this show on the following dates.